Back for another week of posts on the interweb, its ya boy peanut butter. This one was a holiday special, longstanding Toronto punk bands converged at the bovine for all us hogtown denizens. Fuckin’ right, shout outs to whoever put this show together. Nothing like the noise and lights of a sick show in the middle of all that cold as shit winter. This one tripped me the fuck out, a guitarist from Gag Order was wearing Xmas lights with a Santa hat on looking like a young Zanta doppelganger (if you don’t know who Toronto Zanta is please do yourself a favor and check the link HERE). Toronto punk rock FTW, shows like this keep the spirit alive.

The Sham, my apologies. Apparently I made an error, I thought they were from out west and turns out they’re from Kensington market. This band is good times, lots of angry politico tracks and the occasional cool out reggae style track. The Sham keep it real socially conscious, they opened with a track about missing and murdered indigenous women. Decent band right here.

Keelie. What a dope as fuck band, they’re so crazy. Mad energy with some killer guitar, I rate this band heavy. Their track Coco Bongo from the album “Wealth Fear And Love” is one of my favorite tracks right now. They have this vibe of a band just loving every minute of it, Keelie rule. I definitely wanna see this band again, my digs for real. Their frontman has some awesome stage presence going off about suicide by oven bag and shit like that LOL. They’re all about the inner city vibe; I love it. Can’t wait to see what else these guys churn out.

Gag Order, first of the three decades old heavy hitters of the night. Balls to the wall, heavy and fast. Gag Order make me want to destroy. Laced with all sorts of lyrical themes and layered with thrashy instrumentals, what’s not to like here? I love how the vocalist got in shit for offering free drugs in the promotion for the show; to be fair the free stickers, pins, and candy he kept throwing at us was just as good. This is one of those bands that can play a long as fuck set flawlessly and make it seem like nothing, same tune different day. Loud AF Gag Order put the SHHH in MOSH; don’t take it from me check ’em out yourself.

Random Killing, big rock stars over here. Stoked to see these guys for a second time, such a sick Toronto band. I am really into their “Welcome” album, ya boy peanut butter over here is a big suck for the 90’s and this album is some good golden era punk rock. This is one of those bands I would love to follow around on tour like KISS, someone get me in touch with their A&R person. In a world of shit Random Killing is a warm escape that personally reminds me of those 90’s nights watching new episodes of Bevis and Butthead. Awesome tunes here my friends!

Armed And Hammered, are fucking nuts. My first experience with this band is buying their “Beans and Toast” Sucker Punch split record and playing it on my Dad’s record player only to have him yell at me and tell me to turn it off before I even finished one track. Their guitarist has a wicked rad explorer with stickers all over, BigJohn is a killer frontman with attitude to spare, their iconography is all on point and shit; fuckin’ eh. This band has been around as long as I’ve been alive, fuck these guys live the life. I caught a sick video of them playing “Rat Poison High/Mass Confusion”, that track is fucking awesome. Can’t get enough Armed And Hammered IMO.

And that’s the way, here’s some links: