Ya boy peanut butter got in on the Exclaim! Class of 2020 punk night at the Monarch tavern, let me tell you, they throw a pretty good show. Got to see my friends from Dish Pit again in from Montreal(HI NORA!!!^.^!!). This show was packed from the get go, knew I was in for a good night when I find myself getting yelled by drunk people at because I can swear in my zines without some lame-a-zoid editor telling me shit. This one was live as fuck.

Piper Maru were on first, what an explosive first track too. They quickly explained it was their first show and went on without a hitch, real strong opener. The whole room was hyped up by the end of their set, you could feel the energy. I ended up seeing their front lady down the road at another show, she’s cool beans. Their EP “Most of My Friends Died in Space” is fuckin’ decent, me gusto.

Dish Pit are dope, I digs them. They remind me of early 2000’s, grungy, garage punk. Ol’ peanut butter over here climbed up someone’s back and caught a crowd surf in the midst of their set, also; there’s a fucking rad two step part in the chorus of the song “1000 ways to die”, got some nods moshing it out to that. Can’t wait to see this band again, for reals. Shout outs to Nora for being a freaking sweet vocalist and a rad AF visual artist.

Luge are some artsy experimental types making noise rock. They do well, i’m not hugely into the sound but some of their tracks are super tech which is impressive. It was nice to have a bit of an indie/hipster rock change up in there. Lots of progression to their tunes, they for sure put on a good show. Some of their lyrical themes are pretty cool too, definately some far out shit.

Wlmrt played a pretty crazy set, seriously, the floor was packed on the first song and people started crowd surfing. Not sure how I went so long without checking this band out, I’ve been around at shows since 2015 when the started; hopefully they keep playing shows, their vocalist said it was their last show. Wlmrt are the fucking bees knees, such a sick four piece.

That’s all, here’s some links: