What an introduction to See-Scape Bar & Gaming Café, this night was off the chain. I remember before the bands started I was chugging down red rain energy drinks and playing red dead redemption with some dude I had just met. Fuckin’ awesome times to be had there; I mean there’s a booth in the downstairs bar that has this whole gory, mutilated, pit of hell sort of vibe. See-Scape throws some decent shows upstairs too, this one was no exception.

All I can say about the first band is that Wretched Fools played a sick set and I sincerely apologize for not snapping a shot of the band. They were on point, for sure, and had a tough spot to fill considering how awesome Manacle and Dirty Work are. Like I said above some dude rushed the stage wearing a full on Mad Max type outfit wielding a faux hatchet and getting the entire crowd amped up during the metal wickedness that is Manacle. I did not think the show was gonna get much better, and then the pit opened up for Dirty Work like crazy. I had not been to a show in months at this point so I really needed to run around in circles and get pushed around by a bunch of strangers; nice to get some oi punk in the system. Ya boy even made a lady friend that night… very nice!

Here’s some bandcamp links: