Peanut Butter is back with another 20scene update, this one goes out to all the hardcore duffy slam kids. There was nothing left to be desired at the end of this night, shout outs to all the bands for a seamless gig.

Cold Shoulder started the festivities. This was the first time I got to see them, if I remember correctly the vocalist didn’t show up until literally right before the band played. I recall wondering who this pissed off looking dude in shorts was marching in like some sort of prized boxer or UFC fighter. All I can say is these guys shred a wicked set, so great I made it out to a second show of theirs.

Fragment was killer man. Later I would hear they broke up shortly after that show, apparently the line up was a fracture of some other sick London hardcore band. My bad for the shite photo, the pit was hectic so I only had a brief chance to snap a shot during the first track. Ya boy Peanut Butter got their tape under Walk A Mile Records, it’s fuckin’ decent.

Boston hardcore in on a Toronto show here, real solid effort. I always have huge respect for bands that close distances to play shows and Boston bands have a big heart invading TO every so often like they do. A circle pit went off at one point for Typecaste which was hella fun. I had such a great time during their set I bought their Creature Of Habit tape too. Everything is on point with these guys; their awesome metal sounds come through focused like a laser.

That’s all folks, Peanut Butter outtie 5000 for now. Here’s some links to band pages:

Cold Shoulder

Walk A Mile Reacords
