Fuckin’ eh, this show was the tits. I’m telling all you scenesters this one time; go to as many shows as possible, go when you don’t want to go, show up late, show up early, you never know when you’re gonna have your socks rocked the fuck off by a bunch of bands in their element. Beastmaster thought he was gonna have a quiet night at his big bro banana hat’s place when lone behold broheim decides to shell out on an uber to get us to the freaks show fashionably late. There’s something about how Fish got entirely too wasted and ditched me at the show that made the night even more punk rock, big ups for paying the cover big bro!!!!KTHX

So Tired are on some higher level grungy noise rock, someone pay these musicians to put their music on the soundtrack of some sort of psychological thriller. I cant begin to express how grateful I am for bands like this; postpunk needs real heads like So Tired. Such a luxurious band.

Chilldozer! My favorite Toronto shoegaze band, real impressive. Check them out live because this band does not post much in the way of music online to my knowledge, all I could find is one track to the best of my efforts. I don’t check Spotify for whatever reason, worth a search though. Good energy from this band, their sound sorta creeped out nice and easy and before me and my bro knew it we were asking ourselves what band this was. Decent tunes here.

TV FREAKS, my de-facto favorite Hamilton band. I mean yes, there is Hellbent, and Sick of Shit, still I give these guys the crown. Burger on drums has been my hero for about as long as I’ve been going to shows, when I heard he was in this band I knew I had to see them. The chorus from the song Thirteen hit me like a ton a bricks when I heard it with the echo pedal going. This band has sick tracks falling out of their pockets, do not sleep on these shredders.

Tijuana Jesus closed. I was so amped after the crazy TV Freaks pit that I literally thought the Freaks were the last band and bounced. My apologies to Tijuana Jesus, they are definitely a sick TO band worth a listen.

Well, thanks for making it this far folks. More to come later on this week! I intend on delivering on my promise of more QKP Zine content in the month of March, gonna spice things up for all of yous.


So Tired


TV Freaks

Tijuana Jesus