Awesome show at Houndstooth live music bar, this one was an absolute rager. I showed up at doors and was wondering where the bands were gonna play, so they brought me to this L shaped room with a bunch of gear tucked in the end. I didn’t think much at the time but the show went great.

Brekfist were up first with some sludge noise action, real high tempo. I dig this band, they do good live and been around since at least 2018. Power two; I’m all for that, so many haters say nothing less than a three piece. Decent band for sure, wish they had more tracks online.

Good Grief, this band is so fucking dope. They are on a hiatus since they finished the tour that included this show, it breaks my heart. Check out their video for “Off License” on youtube, when I first saw this video I had a fit it was so hype. I can go off all day about how hard I rate Good Grief’s brand of punx, go listen to them and hear for yourself. Their frontman Dan is a real homie too, big ups to that guy for making it out here all the way from Britain.

Spill Your Guts, these guys do it up big. All the way from Shanghai with some true to form, dark and heavy, hardcore for all the real heads. I heard of this band for the first time years back, when I heard they were playing this show I was all like: “woah, for real?”. Super impressed by this band, real approachable; I had a chance to ask the vocalist about the whole Shanghai being their hometown and apparently they’re out there on work visas. Such a sick band though, so much content online too.

Hellbent with Julio on vox, fuckin’ eh. The pit went crazy at one point and Julio was crowd surfing on some shit walking on the ceiling while screaming, need I say anymore? Hellbent kicks and they post mad tracks online from years of hard work, such a fucking killer band. I have yet to not enjoy one of their shows; they’re great live and always playing with some wicked bands. Sockeye salmon sandwiches for life.

Not much to say about Loose Teeth aside from that they are a clean live, powerviolence/posthardcore band from Toronto. They certainly deliver on their sound and were a solid closer, check em out if you’re into that sort of thing.

And that’s all she wrote folks, here’s some links: