Sometimes I wonder if there is some sort of magic at these shows that transcends space and time, honestly, this show had me feeling the same excitement people felt when Elvis would hit the stage knowing he would do something that pushed the boundaries. From the minute I heard about this show I knew it was going to rock my socks. I made sure to buy extra tickets cos you know Ya boy Peanut Butter never doubts the potency of the Canadian music scene–this show was top quality my friends.

Wine Lips, I will not lie, I thought these were just some regular guys. Nope; instead, they hit the stage like a badass version of the bee gees and played their hearts out. This band is more than dece, they trip me TF out. Someone sent this band to the 70s and back again to show the world Toronto bands are the shit, no for real, great to see some young shredders in the city on a vintage kick.

New Swears are pretty fuckin’ cool. Out of Ottawa, I’ve heard stories of how live their parties are, I was super impressed when I saw just how insane these dudes are on stage. All sorts of lively moves and antics, they did a parlour trick with a balloon at one point; this band has fun with it. Their sound is on point live and the tunes are just good, what else can I say? I have yet to hear a New Swears song I couldn’t just take it easy and enjoy.

Ancient Shapes, the whole reason I was at the show. WE LOVE YOU STAN ROMANDO! DAN MAREENO? NO! the unmistakable Daniel Romano, frontman extraordinaire. I was 13 when I first saw this guy rip a crazy Attack In Black show(when they were an anarcho punk band). Dan to hit the stage in a boss suit and I went bonkers, the sound and the aesthetic all at once was like a steamroller and before I knew it I was floating in the air held up by raucous fans. It reminded me of that show when I was 13 and somehow the same thing happened. Don’t give up on your local scene, it’s where the magic happens.

And that’s all for now, here’s some links: