Holy butt fuck Burt Reynolds; this show was the bees knees! I remember there being a shit ton of punks out to play for this one, got my brown boy Amit fresh off the boat from India to grace the pit after work dressed like a broski just in time for the T.O.A.D. set. The guy is way more of a metalhead, still, dude was all up in the pit with his white checkered polo like a boss pushing around his fellow pit heads. Ya boy Peanut Butter over here got a real taste of beef during the Dreg set when some bleached bangs punker went and blindsided me like a mother fuck. YES, I brought him down to the ground with me; It was not my proudest moment of brotherly love and I caught a punch to the back of my head for it. We kissed and made up after, it was all gravy.

BACON, Fuck. What a solid punk band. Literally non-stop face-melting rippage from the start of their set. This band delivers mucho energy and punx vibe, haven’t heard a track I don’t dig by these guys. Not much more to say aside from Hamilton represent; they’re a mecca for wicked awesome bands right now.

Sick Of Shit are rad as fuck. I could listen to these guys all day seriously, they’re like pennywise on steroids; its amazing. I found out these dude are on about skateboarding, real cool, we got to shoot the shit about boarding while they dug up what happened to be their last T shirt of the night for me. Another heavy hitter from Hamilton, no surprise.

T.O.A.D. rule. Grimey, crusty, grindcore at its finest. Their frontman looks like he crawled out from under a seashell like some sort of crustacean with his gnarly as fuck dreds. Power three, noisy as fuck, what more could you want? I blew a fortune on their tapes, every once and a while I listen to them and my ears bleed; 5 stars.

Absolut, wow. So happy I managed to sneak these guys into a volume. Old-school TO punk band right here with some serious stripes. You can only see the silhouette of their frontman in the shot I got because they killed the lights heavy at that point and shit got hectic, buddy was getting in there in the pit with his microphone pushing people around; it was fucking live. If you ever get a chance to see Absolut do not miss out.

Dreg… out of the burning hills of hell itself come these cali heads. Correction; the vocalist and bassist went on a killer mission into the golden state from Boston for fame and glory and out of the fire and fury came Dreg. Somewhere along their travels they dug up a gem of a guitar lady; seriously, this chiquita shreds like a wheat thresher. This one old-head punk lady from back in the day was riffing on them for starting their set late, she was going in on them all like: “what you think Toronto is some game you can just start your set late? You know how many sick bands play this city!”. Like this woman was on a mission to make them feel like a bunch of punk asses, just yelling at them until they started their set. At one point their lead singer got attacked by a dude who was trying to take off one of his apocalyptico-style looking studded boots it was hilarious, those were some gnarly boots though damn. Their “Who Is To Blame” tape is crazy, check it out online.

Not taking up any more of your wonderful time my lovelies, here’s some links:


Sick Of Shit


