This was one of those low key, super ill, shows; rare AF. You don’t often get vibes like this, most shows these days are either super old school traditional or strictly catering to specific crowds. I really dug the whole feel of just some bands kicking a show, I mean sure you could say this was a post-hardcore scene but Pioneer Anomaly made it feel off the wall and novel. I always feel at home checkin’ out Junko, I think this was right before they got the OK on a show opening for Single Mothers which I sorely missed. This was a real chilled out show, I had wicked time moshing with my good buddy coremiester and yucking it up with the bands.

Pioneer Anomaly are the bees knees. Imagine Tool mixed with Godsmack. There’s something about the ambient feel and dissonant melodies that reminds me of early 00’s anime background music; they have some Legend Of Black Heaven moments. I could listen to their tracks till the cows come home, they have so many too, I wanna make a Spotify playlist with my favorite Pioneer Anomaly songs and mix in some Orgy and Korn and call it a night. They go off live too, their frontman Ben is a livewire. The guy broke a string going ham on his guit box, not to mention he wiles out and does a million things at once one the synth/pedalboard. Great stuff here.

Junko Daydream, those slick as fuck boys from London town Ontario. These guys don’t give a fuck, they go hard at every show; I love it. This time Jack ripped off his shirt and went all hill billy in his wife beater, he’s always got a sick stage presence. Scott was sporting his see-through guitar; such a sick axe, he brings it to every show like a boss. Junko has a new album out called “We Make An Idol Of Our Fears”, ya boy peanut butter over here got a sneak peek and it certainly lives up to the content they have thus far and even takes it a notch heavier. Can’t wait to make it out to another Junko Show.

Diamond Weapon, my favorite of this show. They take the cake for doing a sick cover of “Run With Us”, the theme from hit cartoon show The Racoons. Of course it also helped that as per usual after the breakdown in their song “Agean Sea” a sick mosh ensued. This band is good times man, some hockey nerds making sick tunes; Diamond Weapon is what Canada is all about. I love how lyric driven their tracks are, so much to sink your teeth into, Louis does a great job as frontman too. Real solid band here.

That’s about it, here’s some links: