Wicked decent show this night at Lee’s Palace, it had this throwback to the early 80s feel. Found a rare copy of Daniel Romano’s “Weaker Animals Too” poetry book which was pretty rad. I was fresh to most of the bands here so for ol’ peanut butter over here this show was all about hearing some new tunes for the first time. Sick vibes overall, made a couple of new friends too which was cool.

Dishpit are fucking rad. They have this grungy punk sound and drop some super sick, wavy, vocals. I had a chance to chat with the band before the show and they’re pretty cool, usual MTL kids. Their bassist was having a shit day with an injured ankle got kicked out of the venue after the set for not having ID, they were grinding it out this night for sure.

Ancient Shapes played a sick set, as is to be expected from this band. Second time seeing them live and the played all their classics; I could go off all day about how great their songs are, so many layers of well thought out parts and sonic feels. Just a bit more country than The Ramones, Ancient Shapes fuckin’ kills me every time, I swear. I wouldn’t miss an AS show.

Teenager closing out, Joy Division style. Great to see this band live for the first time, such a sick Toronto band. If you wanna just wanna dance to some tripped out sounds, check out a Teenager set. I could chill out to their tunes all day, they do what they do well. By the end of the show I felt like I was in some sort of 80’s battle of the bands or prom or something, the floor was packed with people. Good times.

And that’s all folks, here’s some links: