This show was pretty crazy. I was expecting it to be whatever, some bands I never seen before, nothing major. The night turned out to be decently rad, a few times I was all stoked about one thing or another. Ran into a few friends, it was a packed show from what I remember. I left early because I got all brooding after coming across a lady friend who has a habit of ignoring me(HI SABINE<333!!). Personal shit aside though, I really dug every band that played; big ups to see-scape and NOT DEAD YET.

Group Hug are noisy as all hell. They had this super impressive dude playing a home made beer can instrument he made DIY. I’m mad hyped I caught a picture of the vocalist playing a trumpet. Super dope opener, this show was absolute chaos and Group Hug started it out strong. That dude with the homemade instrument was chill as fuck and told me a bit about it after the set, the whole band has this really lax vibe. I’m all for the hermetic order of the group hug.

Sadie & The Wives: the band with self-esteem issues. Their set was so short and sweet, the energy was crazy too. The vocalist broke his mic and caught feelings, it must have been his favorite thing in the world because he looked like he was gonna cry after and said his band sucked. I swear I wasn’t the only one in the room who was like: “yo this set should have been twice as long”. I tried to buy the tape but there was no one doing merch and some sign was saying some shit about money not being necessary so I threw some paper on the table and snagged a tape anyways because the lead singer punched himself in the face like 5 or 10 times durring the set.

Intensive Care rule. This band is genius at work. I remember thinking to myself, “why is there two amps on stage and only two band mates?”; when the tracks started blaring I was all like: “awwww yeee”. This band is trippy, I wanna see them again for sure because the first time I was all sideways taking in the sounds and some parts of their tracks one could sneak a decent mosh in. Their “Exit Strategy” album is fucking niz-gnar, so stoked on this digital only compilation of songs spanning 3 years(2017-2019). Probably some of my favorite noise rock to grace 20scene thus far.

Bad Breeding lead the pack. Good shit mang, fuckin’ killer presence. They started their set late(I swear on purpose), played it off like it was technical difficulties. Their vocalist was wearing a blazer which always wins points from ol’ peanut butter over here. Ya boy had a seriously hard time getting a good shot of this band, such was the mosh pit. I tried folks. This band delivers live, they’re fucking wild. I like how clear everything came out and yet it was still clearly noise. Cleanest band of the night for sure. Not bad for a first North America tour.

And that’s the way folks, another volume of 20scene in the ether! Here’s some links: