Got a hot update for you all this week! Now I know there can be a stigma against pop music for its industrial nature, still, ya boy peanut butter decided to be punk rock and really give the unusual a chance here. The result? Well it was great time as usual, but most of all there was a rabbit hole ya boy fell down here that was really worthwhile. Pop music is so wild, these fuckers be all like, “lets just throw a guitarist up on stage with a keyboard player without a drummer and call it a day”. Its anarchy! Give it a try sometime! Join the dark side!! We have cookies!!

Dylan Cohen, what a baberham lincoln this guy! No seriously Dylan is kick ass… If you haven’t seen his music video for the song “alleyways”, check it out (LINK HERE). It makes me miss how the city was in the past, its funny how nostalgic it has gotten in such a short period of time. I forgot to mention how gay Dylan is; he truly is fabulous, so majestic, so George Michael-esque. I love it. His songs have some real soul to them too, I would love to see this guy go far and stay true. Super stoked on this pop star right here.

Arianna Mae has some chops, she closed out the night proper with a hard act to follow up first. Seeing her play I got this timeless feeling like a woman with a set of keys singing anywhere can happen and captivate. Her performance was impressive. I particularly loved how innocent she is on stage, it reminded me of how every little girl’s dream back in the day was to learn how to play piano and sing. Arianna doesn’t need your permission, she’s all grown and living the dream! Fuckin’ eh, who knew pop could be so transformative?

That’s the way folks, here’s some links: