One of the last shows before the lockdown hit, this one was packed. The Baby G is a pretty large venue, doesn’t look like it from outside but it fit clear over 50 people comfortably in there. Didn’t stay for too long, lots of sick bands played though. It was kinda cool to see how many people were all about helping to pay for the land back protestor’s legal fees, there was some peeps selling zines about the whole protest movement; Ya’ boy peanut butter over here did a little trade as, of course, I had a bunch on me. Check their website (UNISTOTENCAMP.COM), real interesting stuff learning about all the history of that land dispute and the, unconventional, sort of nature retreat that sprouted as a result.

Renuncio are pretty sick, some politico death noise for our ears. They’re tight live for sure, both their bandcamp releases are live recordios(i’m gonna add io to everything from now on for posterity). They typify themselves as crust punk yet sound heavier, I would even say some of their shit verges into grind, but their drumbeats keeps what they do clearly punx at the core. I can see why they got picked for this show, their Humanitarian Crisis live album is perfectly in line with the themes of the night. I really enjoyed seeing this band rip a few songios, would recommend.

Cellphone. Now I didn’t see their set but this is one of my favorite TO bandios right now so hear me out. A while back I covered one of their shows in Volume 1 of 20scene and let me tell you, that Cellphone “Sinister Realities” tape I bought is fucking gnar. Bringing true to form thrash to the forefront in a serious way, I love having that song selection in my tape collection. 5 tracks, no bullshit. I really dig how the whole band look like something straight out of the movie Fubar too; they’re great live.

Don’t really wanna say much about the other bands because I’ve never seen them live, I’ll still link to their shit tho! Give em’ a listen, live a little! Here’s some links: