Not much to say about this show that I haven’t already said. This one was one fucking rad affair, the scene was bumpin’. Definitely by far the most packed night at Duffy’s Tavern I had the pleasure of enjoying. . Boston invades Duffy’s again with Pummel, if you remember Vol. 1 Typecaste played(another sick hardcore band LINK HERE).  So without saying any more, here’s the breakdown:

Piper Maru were there, ol’ peanut butter over here missed their set. Great band check em’ out.

No Co$t played a sick set. One of their first shows for sure, I wouldn’t be surprised if they played some obscure basement or house party before this but rumor has it this was their first show. I digs the bratty punx vibe with all the sick hxc stylings, I would love to hear more from this band. They’re doing distro through Homie Shit Mag(LINK HERE). Ya boy peanut butter is big fan of what’s going on at that publishing outfit. Straight out of Toronto, No Co$t are some decent hometown heroes.

Friction kill shit, talk about intense. I wish they could have played a NOT DEAD YET show up at see-scape, they would blend well with the bands playing in that circle. I’m all for the metal sounds they play with, and the stompy slamdance beats. Would recommend to any punk head looking for some tuffguy beatdown. Peanut butter says IS NICE ok?kthx:]<3333

Pummel have an absolutely gorgeous moustache on their frontman and their guitar sounds like a chainsaw, need I say any more? Boston represent, fuckin’ right. I hate the Bruins for what they do to the leafs every year, but damn, at least their hxc boys bring the ruckus out here every once and a while. This is some dope tunage, their on point live too. Do not sleep on Massachusetts. Our Power is a fucking Picasso compared to the Kevin Federline album, so yeah, hxc ftw.

That’s the way, here’s some links: