A glimpse into the world of Toronto’s very own Hip Hop Market is what I have for you fine folks this week. This event has been going on at least a couple years now, possibly back as 2016 if I remember what the host Spark Houston was saying to me at their last event correctly. I covered one of their events in VOL 3 if yous all remember the La Coka Nostra show where ya boy got the honor of getting to document the likes of rapper Ill Bill. I’m sorta cheesed I left this show early, the were some characters around I wanted to see get their rap on but I couldn’t cover everyone anyways so here’s the openers.

CLUBBER* Lang, my bad for the typo. Turns out there is a rapper called Clobber Lang too… the more you know… Aaaanywho! This mfker is decent on the mic, probably my favorite flow style of the three rappers I covered. Big ups to sauga for representing deep in the downtown core. Lang pulls off a decent sorta Action Bronson-esque structure to his rhymes, same inner city vibe at the very least, and he doesn’t sound like ghostface. Some people get sick of that kind of rap flow, I dig it though, and buddy’s content isn’t super boring too which kinda makes this dude impressive for a rapper from the outer city.

Mvckro back at it again, puttin’ in that work. Buddy snuck in a quick set here and showed why Toronto loves him so damn much. This dude showed out with his dope blue tracksuit dolo, minus his usual accomplice DJ Only1. Versatile and humble, Mvckro is patiently making moves and blessing us all with some tracks on spotify. I think what I dig about his stylo most is that buddy’s rapper voice sorta sounds like a Toronto mans who seriously digs kendrik lamar(which he is and does). Point being the guy is true to the image he puts out there which is real AF.

Oliver Joseph is hype, this dude showed up and rocked a sick set. Don’t know much about buddy but he sorta sangs like biggaveli with some lupe fiasco in the mix. Oliver’s got a decent flow and doesn’t take himself too seriously which is refreshing. I feel better that rappers like Joseph are out there kicking tunes, dude seems like he doesn’t do it for the fame and truly digs making music.

And that’s how it goes, here’s some links: