Back in the day I used to check out shows at Red Square in Niagara, it was pretty rad–this show was just as sick. Kaonashi didn’t make it fully over the boarder and had to have some one sit in for their vocalist but I wasn’t gonna miss out on the rest of the line up. Peanut Butter over here was late, and yo, I ran in without paying to open up the pit ‘cos my main man Nate from Gouge Out was opening. I was having such a great time, I didn’t even remember to pay until the set was over and had to apologize to Sally from New Ethic, it reminded me of this time at Red Square, in Niagara, where I followed Hardcore Warrior into hell when he jumped on stage during a Murder Thy Maker set and we screamed into a spare mic! No one gave a fuck, it was all about having a good time. Wasn’t too long before all of Hard Luck was bumping, mad people throwing down; the whole place was shaking I swear. Such an awesome time.

Gouge Out played a wicked set, they do some pretty fucking decent mathcore/metalcore. Gonna do an in depth column on them in VOL 5 of 20scene so look out for that. I really dig how heavy they sound while still grooving without too much noise pollution, Nate(frontman/lead guitarist) does a great job with his pedal work getting just the right tone . I’m gonna try and save what I have to say for next issue, lots to love here though.

Single Wound are dope. I went and told their vocalist just how awesome I thought their set was after, they sorta remind me of a more ambient Silverstien. Their “Things I Never Got To Say” album is my favorite. In the past I’ve gone off about my love for Ontario bands that get dark and brooding and these guys fit the bill. Single Wound definitely deliver a clean sound live, I dig ’em.

Downswing are sick, real trashy beatdown, these guys know what their doing. I’m always stoked to see out of towners play but these guys ripped a serious set. Dressed in all black this band brought the noise like Johnny Cash and every one in the pit was vibing heavy. Check this band for some tuff guy hardcore.

That’s the way, here’s some links: