ECONOMY OF commercial nightmare. Here is where peanut butter spies on LCBO shoppers and tried to make something interesting/exciting for yous all to enjoy in this volume. Instead I ended up putting together a piece that is hard to read with drawings that are cloaked in darkness; truly a nightmare. I like to think its not THAT bad, but as always I’m a work in progress.

The idea manifested one day when ol’ peanut butter over here was really tempted to have a drink and as some readers might know I don’t drink. This particular night I was very tempted and started going off in verses of prose to a friend over the phone while leering into the LC window; it dawned on me that I should get some paper and start writing this prose down, do some sketches of the locals, and guzzle energy drinks(doesXthatXmakeXmeXnotXstraightXedge?). So voila, such is the economy of commercial nightmare. We all live in it. I love it–I hate it–It made me. Ya boy peanut butter is but a product; join me in my North American dream of ice cream and societal voyeurism.

Squint your eyes, try to transcend reality, and enjoy the nightmare.