That said, welcome to volume five; the wonderful home of interviews that will amaze, short stories and narratives that will leave your eyes sore from squinting, and of course your host the magnificent peanut butter! That’s right folks, got lots of juicy content this volume, will it be the last? Or will peanut butter be reborn in a magnanimous glory rising from the grave to provide the world with mediocre feeble attempts at print media splendor!!?!1/

I don’t plan that far ahead so lets stick with the now, the glorious, the bovine. Such a gracious venue for putting on shows for the masses. I truly hope they stick around, this show right here was fucking rad. Showed up a buddy mine Dan was all there like “oh shit its ya boy”*insert index finger snaps here… And if that isn’t enough I made a new friend while moshing out here–that’s what shows are about mes amis.

Cobra Queen are so much better than my use of the word “shiznizzle”(thank you snoop dogg for paving the way for my shitty compound slang words). POST PUNK MY PEOPLES!! Fuckin’ right, someone yelling with trippy noise rock in the background; who could ask for more? Cobra Queen sound like a violent Pedro The Lion, one that eats people I imagine. I love this band to shreds, I would fo’ shizzle see live again. Their Get Stitches album is live AF, it takes you places man winding and weaving with intense instrumentation and spacy dissonant melodies. Listen my people, enjoy.

Hellbent won me over a while ago, and they have been going for quite a bit too, as far back as 2014. I swear they rescued a penguin from marine land to get the penguin chirps on “Pups, Penguins, & Sockeye Salmon Sandwiches”(not 100% sure on that one but it did sound so real on the tape!;)). They did a sick colabo with Gas Drummers, I listen to that tape on the regular to get a nice dose of hardcore into the ol’ brainhole. This band is mostly from Hamilton and peanut butter over here loves the rawness, they’re always on that merch hustle for weed money and even won a cover contest held by the hit band PUP. Favorite song = King [CHECK THE VIDEO HERE].

Minors from Windsor closed us out with some good old fashioned good times!! Yis, yis, Such a rad band, these guys go in, for real. So heavy, so nice. Blast beats and those jangly riffs going on there all over the place, fucking right. Their on some powerviolence shit so of course the vocalist took off his shirt at one point, I almost wanted to take off my own shirt the pit was so live for this band right here. I like the chug-a-lugs in the beginning of the track “Flesh Prison”, the album Abject Bodies as a whole is pretty sick with two six minute long tracks and seven tracks total. Give it up for this powerhouse right here.

And that’s the way, here’s some links: