Three bands on a wicked rad metal tip; got taken to school on a Friday the 13th in September with this one. I really did not know what to expect this time, I’m serious, I know I say all the time but I was all like: “Phill from Hellbent is frontman in this band Sinner and their playing TO? DOWN.” Of course I come across a few bands I will probably listen to until I keel over. Ohio in the house, ’nuff respect to Homewrecker for invading the Bovine from all the way across the great lakes. Cheers!

Sinner. Blackened hardcore that relentlessly attack religious themes and ideology like that shit owe them money; so sick. I’m all about the atmosphere they put forward at shows; Phill kinda reminds me of a shorter, headbanging, version of the undertaker from WWE when he’s on stage. You always know the one guitarist that has a super long hairdo is gonna dive into a killer solo when he leans over his guitar and touches his hair to the ground; Sinner is dope as hell.

Lilim! This band goes off, no fucks given. It really seems like everyone in this band is right at home playing some crazy as fuck, thrash-metal hardcore; I love it. All the feminist vibes are real cool with it; ya boy peanut butter is all for intersectionality, it would be awesome to see more heavy metal bands making space for underrepresented denominations in a workable way like Lilim does. Shout outs to Kirsten for being so based and woke all at the same time; she does such an amazing job as frontlady for Lilim and Pretty Boy. This show she had me thinking she might be a character off the set of the Addams family at first, then she started spazzing out and screaming and at that point I definitely thought she was like a gnarly blonde Wednesday Addams. Lilim Rule.

Homewrecker; what a bunch of champs. This band takes the time to occasionally grace the great white north with their crusty brand of thrashy death-metal. If their songs were shorter I would almost call them grindcore. Lots to love here, check out their years of content going all the way back to 2010. Totally chill bunch of dudes too, real humble; yucked it up with their drummer a bit who gave me props on my prized Tasmanian devil on a Harley Tee-shirt. This band delivers the noise proper, lotsa power stance headbanging parts. Fuckin’ right; Homewrecker kicks ass, don’t take it from me, give ’em a listen

That’s all folks, heres some links: