The more I remember this show the more I miss live music. This was possibly my first night checking out the wicked awesome Duffy’s Tavern. My man Justis was possibly gonna there and I wanted to say hi so I figured worst case scenerio I get to check out a bunch of bands I’ve never seen before. Within minutes of getting there i’m making friends and shit, fuckin’ beauty way to go. Support your local scene while you can friends.

Badgermilk, dear god. This band is so clutch, i’m telling you, their tracks have so much to offer. If you want some killer heavy sludge noise in the background to blast and while you’re slaying nazi zombies, or sketching out doing whatever it is; I advise you get their black and white CDs. They linksed me those bad boys for a steal, I thought I was only walking away with one CD. Gotta love how chill this band is in RL, honest.

Someday Jake from Junko DayDream has to invite me to London and bring me to the dingy closet where he hides Connor Oberst and forces him to shit and piss in a bucket until he writes post-hardcore music for his band!XD. All joking aside, no seriously, Junko is like Bright Eyes for post-hardcore kids. So much well executed talent here. Every set these guys pay is awesome, this one was my favorite though. Slugging it out on a stretch of shows that led them to opening for Single Mothers in their hometown, I’ve got so much respect for these guys.

And that brings me to JOCK! This show was totally rad because I got to see them for the first time live ever here. Shout outs to their bassist Skylar, that guy brings the mosh, no surprise JOCK does too. It’s been great to see this band progressively fill the room more and more each time they play. Move your bitch ass back, I’ll take my fucking JOCK.

And thats all she wrote folks! Here’s some links:


Junko DayDream